Our Charter

As part of our corporate structure, we have a legally-binding charter that details how we've elected to operate in the best interests of the public, and our environment.

Nutrala's mission is to make climate action accessible to everyone, raise awareness and education around carbon offsets, and support vital projects that desperately need funding to survive. Fighting climate change should be easy, that's why we built Nutrala.

Nutrala's mission is to help reverse the climate crisis.

  • Nutrala will offer tools, services, and resources that help people take action to reverse the climate crisis.
  • Nutrala will strive to support other organizations working on reversing climate change, even if they could be considered competitors.
  • Nutrala recognizes that climate change is a multifaceted global problem and will solicit and consider input from a global audience across ages, genders, ethnicities, abilities, backgrounds, and identities.

Nutrala will advocate for strong climate policies

  • Nutrala will support policies and regulations that promote climate action.
  • Nutrala will engage with policy groups, industry leaders, and the public to advocate for effective and equitable climate solutions.

Nutrala will be radicaly transparent

  • Nutrala will strive to make its operations and plans transparent to anyone inside or outside the organization.
  • Nutrala will publish ongoing financial and operating metrics showing its impact, efficiency, and effectiveness.

Nutrala commitment to integrity

  • Nutrala will heavily vet the effectiveness and efficiency of any climate change solution it proposes to users.
  • Nutrala will share its methodologies for evaluating climate change solutions publicly.

Nutrala will be role model for how all corporations should act.

  • Nutrala will mitigate its environmental harm and will strive to remove or offset at least twice the amount of carbon the organization and its employees are responsible for.
  • Nutrala will take a stance on political issues that further its mission, but will not lobby or campaign purely for its own financial benefit.
  • Nutrala will never sell user data to third parties. The Corporation will adamantly defend the privacy rights of its users and embrace new legislation that improves privacy
  • Nutrala will not use deceptive but legal tax management strategies to reduce its tax burden. The Corporation will be transparent in reporting the percentage of taxes it pays.
  • Nutrala will report on team and leadership demographics, executive and Chief Executive Officer pay ratios, and programs and strategies employed to build a diverse, inclusive, and equitable organization.

Reporting and transparency

Nutrala will deliver annual reports to maintain full transparency to our members, investors, and regulators, demonstrating our commitment to our charter, we will also make public all other relevant operational documentation here: