Frequently Asked Questions


How does my footprint get offset?

We source climate projects from around the world to find high impact solutions that remove or reduce emissions into the atmosphere. These projects produce carbon credits that are certified by third party auditors, we then do our own secondary evaluations to determine which projects are best suited for our portfolio.

We then use these credits for what is know as 'retirement', when credits are retired it means they have been used to for an offset and can no longer be used for other offsets, they are effectively removed from the circulating supply of carbon credits.

What does it mean to offset my carbon footprint?

Almost everything you do in life will have a footprint impact, every product you buy, every vehicle you travel in, has an emissions footprint that was left behind after it was produced and subsequently consumed. All of it adds up to your total carbon footprint. When you fund climate projects such as the ones in our portfolio you are removing or preventing emissions elsewhere which cancels out your footprint, this means you have become carbon neutral.

Our impact

What kind of impact does Nutrala have?

Nutrala directly supports projects that have a lasting impact on the environment and communities around the world. By funding carefully selected initiatives, innovative technologies, reforestation efforts, and conservation programs many of which would not be possible without our funding.

Our approach democratizes the impact of environmental action, making it possible for everyone, (regardless of their previous experience or expertise in sustainability), to contribute effectively. Nutrala simplifies the process of contributing to these projects, empowering individuals and organizations to take meaningful climate action with ease through an accessible platform.

Business model

Is Nutrala a non-profit?

Nutrala is a Public benefit Corporation, not a non-profit.

A PBC is a type of corporate legal structure that enables a for-profit company to prioritize the public benefit and our duty to investors at the same time, instead of being legally required to put profit and investors above all else.

We chose to be a PBC because we believe it is important for us to be able sustain our operations independently instead of rely on the charitable donations of others. This gives Nutrala the stability we need to uphold our mission and grow large enough to make a meaningful impact in the fight against climate change.

What is Nutrala's business model?

85% of your subscription is sent directly to our projects which funds the direct removal of harmful emissions from our atmosphere, protects forests and natural habitats, and enables policy groups to lobby for changes to our regulatory environment. The remaining 15% is spent on Nutrala's operating expenses, marketing and research, salaries and development, so that our team can continue to make Nutrala possible. Additionally, a small processing fee is added to cover the transaction processing costs of our payment providers, Stripe and Coinbase which varies by payment method.  


Why is Nutrala 100% open book and transparent?

As a Public Benefit Corporation, we are legally required to release financial reports each year to show our operational expenses. You can find our reports here. We also have a legally-binding Mission Charter which we must uphold in it's entirety. You can find links to all of our transparency-related documentation on our Charter page.

Carbon calculator

What is a carbon calculator?

A carbon calculator is a tool designed to determine the amount of carbon dioxide emissions produced by an individual, organization, event, or product. Users provide specific information related to activities that have a carbon emissions footprint, this data is then used to calculate your total carbon footprint.

For individuals, this might include data on travel (such as car, plane, or public transportation usage), home energy use (like electricity, heating, and cooling), and lifestyle choices (including diet).

For businesses, inputs might involve operational data such as energy consumption, manufacturing processes, and corporate travel.

We use emission factors, which are coefficients that quantify the emissions produced per unit of activity (e.g., kilograms of CO2 per kilometre travelled or per kWh of electricity used). These factors are based on research and vary by region, type of fuel, and technology, ect.

Carbon credits & offsets

What are carbon credits?

Carbon offsets and carbon credits are two different things.

A carbon credit is made by a project that has removed or prevented the equivalent of 1 ton of CO2' from entering the atmosphere. Once a carbon credit has been certified it can then be used to offset carbon emissions elsewhere.

What are carbon offsets?

A carbon offset is made when a credit has been bought and retired. Through this process, carbon offsets help fund projects that might not otherwise be able to financially sustain their operations, contributing to the global efforts of combating climate change.

It is important to understand that offsets are not the whole solution to our climate crisis, we must solve the direct cause our emissions at the source in order to fully solve the problem but offsets are a meaningful stepping stone which helps us move toward a net-zero world.

Can I trust the quality of your carbon offsets?

We work with industry experts, leading auditors and standards bodies to identify projects. We then pass prospective projects through our own verification system that acts as a secondary layer of vetting and due diligence before we add them to our portfolio. If we learn learn about quality issues associated with any project we are funding we will first work with the project to see if those issues can be resolved, or cease our funding support and remove them from our portfolio.

We understand the issues around quality and efficacy which is why we made a dedicated page for it here

Why are offsets important?

Carbon offsets are vital in the global effort to combat climate change, primarily because they provide a mechanism for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. By funding projects that either reduce or remove emissions—such as renewable energy developments, reforestation efforts, and advancements in energy efficiency—carbon offsets help counterbalance the impact of unavoidable emissions from other sources. This is particularly crucial for industries and activities where reducing emissions is challenging or costly.

Additionally, carbon offsets can promote the growth of green technologies and sustainable practices by providing essential financial support to projects and initiatives that would otherwise not be able to operate due to the inherent unprofitability of their operations.

Offsets also play a key role in enhancing biodiversity and conserving natural habitats, contributing to environmental sustainability beyond just carbon mitigation.

Through these diverse impacts, carbon offsets are a versatile tool in the broader strategy of global environmental stewardship, helping businesses, governments, and individuals achieve their climate goals while fostering sustainable development.

Our portfolio

Does the Climate Portfolio change?

Yes, we may add or remove projects from our portfolio depending on our evaluation and efficacy methods, we also occasionally update our funding allocations to maximise the impact of our members' funds. When a certain project shows signs of significant developments we will allocate more funding toward them, and when a project is struggling to make developments or meet expected targets we will divert funding elsewhere throughout our portfolio.

What is Nutrala's Climate Portfolio?

Our Climate Portfolio is a selection of high impact projects and initiatives that collectively work to solve the climate crisis. Our portfolio approach allows individuals to strategically balance their carbon footprint by investing in various projects that reduce, avoid, or sequester greenhouse gas emissions in different sectors and locations around the world.

Diversification: Just like financial portfolios, our offset portfolio includes a diverse range of projects. This includes reforestation, conservation, renewable energy projects, methane capture from waste management operations, and energy efficiency developments. Diversification helps manage risk and ensures more stable and reliable offsetting outcomes, as different projects may face different operational and environmental challenges and risks.

Strategic Alignment: Our Climate Portfolio is tailored to align with the goals, values, and sustainability targets of our organisation.

Verification and Standards: Projects within our portfolio are verified by independent third parties, organisations such as Verified Carbon Standard, and American Carbon Registry ensure our projects meet the highest standards. This verification is crucial to maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of our offsets, confirming that emissions reductions are real, measurable, permanent, and additional.

Dynamic Management: Managing a climate offset portfolio involves continuous assessment and adjustment. Projects are monitored for performance, and the portfolio might be rebalanced over time based on changes in production, efficacy, supply and demand, or other external factors.

Reporting and Transparency: We report on our Climate Portfolio’s performance and its contributions to our overall environmental strategy. This transparency is important for stakeholders, including investors, customers, and regulatory bodies, ensuring accountability and maintaining our reputation as a responsible business.


Where can I see my impact history?

Log into your account, then simply visit your dashboard to see how much CO₂ you've offset, and updates from the projects you've supported.

Can I update my carbon footprint calculation or change my subscription?

You can change our pause you subscription in the Settings page of your account.

If your carbon footprint has changed and you would like to update your carbon calculation then simply select Update Subscription from within the settings page.


How can I contact support?

You can reach out to us via live chat or email.
Visit our live chat in the bottom right of this page.

Email us at

Our regular support operating hours are Mon-Fri, 9 AM to 6 PM AEST.