Become carbon neutral
‍with Nutrala

Offset your carbon footprint in minutes

Our projects work with:

How it works


Calculate your carbon footprint.

Find out how much CO₂ you emit based on your lifestyle and daily consumption.


Offset your emissions.

Become carbon neutral by starting a monthly subscription to offset your footprint.

Our portfolio of certified offset providers are at the forefront of innovative technologies, lasting conservation, and vital reforestation.


See your impact.

Get personalised updates via your Impact Dashboard and see the positive impact you are having on the environment.

  • CO₂ removed, trees planted, forests protected, policy impacted, communities supported and more.
  • Updates from our project partners with imagery and video to show the work they do, and developments that your support has made possible.

You can make a difference.
Take action against the climate crisis.

We make it easy to take action against climate change

  • An all-in-one platform to calculate & offset your carbon footprint.

We help you take action

Our platform lets you calculate and offset your carbon footprint in minuets.

Enabling you to effortlessly take action against the climate crisis. Being carbon neutral should be easy, that's why we built Nutrala.
Get started with Nutrala
  • A diverse portfolio carefully selected from thousands of projects.

We source quality offsets

We find the highest quality carbon offset projects to source fully certified carbon credits.

Saving you time from reading through thousands of projects to find legitimate, high-impact offsets.
View our projects
  • In-depth validation process with recurring monthly audits.

We do the research

Every project we select is vetted through a rigorous validation process.

We check for additionality, risk of reversal, efficacy, then review scientific literature to ensure our partners meet the standards we expect.
View our validation process
Carbon neutrality made easy.

join the net-zero movement

Nutrala offers a range of net-zero solutions for individuals and business.

100% Open book

Our financial activity is public

All of our revenue, funding and expenses data is made public.

View report
We publish every receipt

Receipts for all our carbon credit purchases are kept on a public ledger.

View receipts
View every transaction

See every offset in real time with our offset live feed.

View live-feed
Transparency on a whole new level. Our entire operation is public
We're taking 'open-book' to the next level with our approach to transparency, we welcome everyone to dive into our records and see how Nutrala operates.
Nutrala is a public benefit corporation.
Being a PBC means we have a
legally-binding charter which ensures our operation is for the benefit of the public.


How does my footprint get offset?

We source climate projects from around the world to find high impact solutions that remove or reduce emissions into the atmosphere. These projects produce carbon credits that are certified by third party auditors, we then do our own secondary evaluations to determine which projects are best suited for our portfolio.

We then use these credits for what is know as 'retirement', when credits are retired it means they have been used to for an offset and can no longer be used for other offsets, they are effectively removed from the circulating supply of carbon credits.

What does it mean to offset my carbon footprint?

Almost everything you do in life will have a carbon footprint, every product you buy, every vehicle you travel in, has an emissions footprint that was left behind after it was produced and subsequently consumed. All of it adds up to your total carbon footprint. When you fund climate projects such as the ones in our portfolio you are removing or preventing emissions elsewhere which cancels out your footprint, this means you have become carbon neutral.

Is Nutrala a non-profit?

Nutrala is a Public Benefit Corporation, not a non-profit.

A PBC is a type of corporate legal structure that enables a for-profit company to prioritize the public benefit and profit/investors at the same time, instead of being legally required to put profit and investors above all else.

We chose to be a PBC because we believe it is important for us to be able sustain our operations independently instead of rely on the charitable donations of others. This gives Nutrala the stability we need to uphold our mission and grow large enough to make a meaningful impact in the fight against climate change.

What is Nutrala's business model?

85% of your subscription is sent directly to our projects which funds the direct removal of harmful emissions from our atmosphere, protects forests and natural habitats, and enables policy groups to lobby for changes to our regulatory environment. The remaining 15% is spent on Nutrala's operating expenses, marketing, research, salaries and development, so that our team can continue to make Nutrala possible. Additionally, a small processing fee is added to cover the transaction processing costs of our payment providers, Stripe and Coinbase which varies by payment method.

Can I trust the quality of your carbon offsets?

We work with industry leading auditors and standards bodies to identify projects that meet the highest standards. We then pass prospective projects through our own verification system that acts as a secondary layer of vetting and due diligence before we add them to our portfolio. If we learn learn about quality issues associated with any project we are funding we will first work with the project to see if those issues can be resolved, or cease our funding support and remove them from our portfolio.

We understand the issues around quality and efficacy which is why we made a dedicated page for it here.

Are you ready to become carbon neutral?